
Teletalk Internet Offer 2023

Teletalk Internet Offer: This article provides information on the various Internet packages offered by Teletalk. The packages are categorized as Regular Data Pack, Oporajita Data Pack, Agami Data Pack, and Bornomala Data Pack. Each package has a different data volume, price, validity, and activation code.

Teletalk Internet Offer

Today we will talk about the best of the Teletalk Internet Offer. On this page, you will find information about different data packages and their prices, validity, and activation codes for Teletalk, a mobile phone operator in Bangladesh.

Regular Data Pack

Regular Data Pack: The page lists 15 different data packages ranging from 500 MB to 45 GB, with prices from Tk. 39 to Tk. 445 and validity from 7 days to 30 days.

Here’s the information presented in table format:

PackageDataPrice (TK)ValidityActivation Code
500 MB500 MB3930 Days*111*503#
1 GB1 GB277 Days*111*27#
1 GB1 GB5930 Days*111*49#
2 GB2 GB9330 Days*111*93#
3 GB3 GB13930 Days*111*531#
4 GB4 GB697 Days*111*66#
4 GB4 GB697 Days*111*66#
5 GB5 GB787 Days*111*511#
5 GB5 GB20130 Days*111*532#
10 GB10 GB23930 Days*111*550#
12 GB12 GB977 Days*111*97#
20 GB20 GB30130 Days*111*552#
30 GB30 GB34430 Days*111*344#
45 GB45 GB44530 Days*111*445#
25 GB25 GB31930 Days*111*200#

Oporajita Data Package

Oporajita Data Package: Oporajita introduces a special package for women, which offers four data packages from 1 GB to 10 GB, with prices from Tk. 8 to Tk. 156 and validity from 3 days to 15 days.

  • 1 GB @ Tk. 19 (Validity: 3 Days)
  • 2 GB @ Tk. 38 (Validity: 7 Days)
  • 10 GB @ Tk. 156 (Validity: 15 Days)
  • [email protected] for the first 3 months

Here’s a table with the information you provided:

PackageDataPrice (TK)ValidityActivation Code
Special Offer1 GB8 (for the first 3 months)7 Days*111*8#
Special Offer2 GB387 Days*111*38#

Agami Data Packs

Agami Data Packs: Agami is a package for students who have GPA-5 in SSC exams, which offers five data packages from 1GB to 10GB, with prices ranging from Tk. 22 to Tk. 177, and validity from 7 days to 30 days.

  • 1 GB @ Tk. 22 (Validity: 7 Days)
  • 2 GB @ Tk. 81 (Validity: 30 Days)
  • 3 GB @ Tk. 55 (Validity: 10 Days)
  • 10 GB @ Tk. 177 (Validity: 30 Days)
PackageDataPrice (TK)ValidityActivation Code
1 GB1 GB227 Days*111*600#
1 GB1 GB4530 Days*111*601#
2 GB2 GB8130 Days*111*602#
4 GB4 GB557 Days*111*603#
10 GB10 GB17730 Days*111*610#

Bornomala Data Packs

Bornomala data packages: Bornomala is a package for students that offers the same data packs as Agami, with the same prices and validity.

  • 1 GB @ Tk. 22 (Validity: 7 Days)
  • 2 GB @ Tk. 81 (Validity: 30 Days)
  • 3 GB @ Tk. 55 (Validity: 10 Days)
  • 10 GB @ Tk. 177 (Validity: 30 Days)

Here’s the information presented in table format:

PackageDataPrice (TK)ValidityActivation Code
1 GB1 GB227 Days*111*600#
1 GB1 GB4530 Days*111*601#
2 GB2 GB8130 Days*111*602#
4 GB4 GB557 Days*111*603#
10 GB10 GB17730 Days*111*610#

So we understand that Teletalk offers a variety of Internet packages tailored to different user needs. Whether you’re a regular user, a woman, a high achiever, or a student, there’s a package for you. Explore the options and choose the one that best suits your data needs and budget. Enjoy surfing with Teletalk!

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